
Denis and Steve Collier have a reputation for supplying more than just grass.

From site preparation to turf selection, you’ll get the right advice from the Collier’s.

Based at Wivenhoe Pocket in Queensland and with more than 48 years’ experience in the Turf Industry, the Colliers know everything there is to know about turf from the subsoil up. And, they are happy to share this expertise whether it be the best grass type for your locality or help with measuring or calculating the amount of turf you need. They can also recommend whose best in your area to lay your turf.

Since the Collier’s first starting growing turf they have experimented with several varieties of grass. They know full well that it takes years of experience and hard work to produce the best product available. They take pride in the knowledge they have gained and are only too happy to share this with their customers.

One of the top rating varieties that the Collier’s grow for the market is TurfBreed’s Nara Native Turf – an ideal option for projects that require a high resilient, wet under foot, low maintenance grass. The variety is one of the most popular native turfs on the market today and when left to its own devices saves on long term moving, pesticides, dethatching and fertilisers.

Turf Varieties

Colliers Turf Supplies can supply the following Turf Varieties:

* disclaimer, all prices are subject to change.

We Offer